Monday, June 7, 2010

My mistakes make me who I am?

I absolutely don't see what people are afraid? Why are we as human being so afraid of making mistakes? I mean that is the question that dawns on me every time, I as an individual make a mistake. Your probably wondering why I have been using the word MISTAKE so many times. But, I just want get across the fact that making an mistake is not the end of the world and I know for fact that everyone had made some sort stupid mistake in there life time.

Like me for instance, I remember I was 13 or 14 years old and I was doing this school play. So, while i was on stage I was performing my monologue and for a split second I could not remember my lines, so i said " Sorry miss i forgot my lines..." right on stage and the whole school was looking at me. I remember being sooooo embarrassed, and everyone was laughing me. At that time of my life i felt that I had made thy biggest mistake ever and i just wanted to die but now that I look back, I think to myself " WOW I was an idiot".

Everyone has there mistake, what is your mistake?

written by: Lakeisha...